Project Of The Week
Rick Johnson and the crew from Concrete Makeover recently did this awesome interior concrete wood project!
Graniflex Design System
In our latest training class last week, we demonstrated installing the beautiful & durable Graniflex system with a decorative twist . . . diagonal tile, 2 different color blends w/ brick border and then a color quartz broadcast done with a basketweave brick pattern:
The Most Innovative Product award winner at the 2015 World of Concrete, our Graniflex system has these benefits:
- Fast installs! After preparation, ONE DAY from base coat to top seal coat.
- Interior & Exterior Applications! The dream of every decorative resurfacing contractor…the ability to quickly complete broadcast projects OUTSIDE.
- NO hours-upon-hours on your hands & knees troweling!
- Just the opposite of epoxy.
- NEVER gets brittle with age (Permanent Flexibility)
- Fast 1 hour set times
- Stress-free applications. Long, long…(did I say long?) pot life!
- No hurry to get mixed product out of the bucket!
- No worry about color / texture outcome. Give customers exactly what they bought.
- Sleep well at night knowing that your coating has cured as tough as truck tires inside of the original concrete slab!
Winter usually means a slow-down in work for decorative concrete contractors (at least here in the Mid-West) but if you’ve marketed yourself well in your area, you’ll end up landing some decent-sized commercial or industrial projects. I know my last couple of years running the install business, I was pulling in more $$ in the Winter than in the Summer as a result of a few great paying industrial projects.
Great Benefits for Premium & Free Members
Considering that most of your potential customers are searching online for the services that you provide, marketing your business with a site that is proven to pull in leads is the smart thing to do :)
Check-out all of the benefits of Free & Premium Memberships on DecorativeConcreteKingdom.com
Decorative Concrete Kingdom Projects!
Join our Facebook Group page to show off your best pictures / video to claim the recurring TOP PROJECT title & be crowned Concrete King.
The contractor with the most popular post each period will win the promoted prize (usually worth 100’s of $$)!