Flooring Requirements

Customized Look

customized look_blue-01If you’re looking for a floor that can be customized to fit your wants and needs, Concrete Protector has flooring systems to do just that. With color, style, and pattern options, you can get the exact floor you want in your home or business. With many of our systems, you can control the color, style, pattern, and overall design of your floor. Choose one of our many design options or combine multiple options together to make a truly customized floor. With The Concrete Protector, your options are endless.

Color and Design Options

Concrete Protector flooring systems come in many different color and design options to fit your client’s needs. With so many customizable options, your client will love how their new floor looks and how it fits their décor and style.

Additional Features

Many of our flooring systems have additional features you can add for extra customization. UV blockers, texture additives, high or low build floors, and different sealer options, your client can add the features to make their floor work for them. By offering these customized options, you’re providing a floor that your client will love and enjoy.

Common Uses

  • Businesses
  • Schools
  • Restaurants
  • Residential Floors
  • Garages
  • Basements

Recommended Flooring System