Decorative concrete can fundamentally change many different residential and commercial spaces. From stylish living rooms to professional looking businesses, decorative concrete is a great option for your flooring needs. While decorative concrete looks and performs great in these environments, some spaces require extra protection. For industrial and many institutional spaces, flooring needs to be stronger
Industrial, commercial, and institutional floors handle a lot of common hazards hazards. All of these hazards play a role in the gradual break down of floor coatings and systems. From heavy machinery to chemical exposure, you can see everything your floor goes through as it covers your concrete. One major hazard that threatens your floor
Each flooring option comes with its own set of attributes and challenges. While carpet may look great in a bedroom or dining room, its aesthetics are constrained by the material itself. Hardwood is a great looking material, but the use of actual wood isn’t the most environmentally conscious flooring option out there. For those concerned
When choosing a high quality commercial, industrial, or institutional floor, there are a lot of factors to consider. Type of material, aesthetic appeal, durability, and other aspects play a role in what type of floor you choose. In addition to usual flooring requirements, interior concrete coatings have another common concern: odor. When dealing with an
Turnaround is the time it takes before a flooring system or coating before the space can return to regular use. By installing a new flooring system or coating, you’re giving your space a brand new look. These floors look and perform great, but choosing the right option can sometimes be a little tricky. While many